The Carvers are working on a project that uses a technique called High Relief Carving. Each project uses 3 basswood boards. The top two boards had sections cut out using a scroll saw to reduce the time needed to carve the sections, while the third board was solid. The technique creates more depth in the carving while reducing the amount of wood that needs to be removed. Below are of photos of the three patterns, one set showing the stages of creating the project. Below that are photos of member projects in various stages. As members finish their projects, photos will be added here.
There are a few books available on this topic. Here are a few: Deep Relief Wood Carving: Simple Techniques for Complex Projects by Kevin Walker High Relief Wood Carving by WIlliam J. Schnute Relief Carving in Wood by Chris Pye Relief Carving Workshop: Techniques, Projects & Patterns for the Beginner by Lora S. Irish Step-by-Step Relief Carving: Mastering the Use of Light and Perspective in Woodcarving by David Bennett & Roger Schroeder Here are a couple of articles related to the topic on the Internet: High Relief Carving by L. S. Irish - Article on website, here High and Low Relief Carving - Article on website, here
Completed Piece with Paint (Thanks to Fay Kimball)
Fully Carved Piece without Paint (Thanks to Fay Kimball)
Board 1 (Top) Carved
Board 2 (Middle) Carved
Board 3 (Back) Carved
What a Completed Project Might Look Like After Carving and with Paint (Thanks to Fay Kimball)
Another Completed Project (Thanks to Fay Kimball)
Todd Reilly is one of the Carvers working on the High Relief Carving project. Recently, he sent along a sequence of photos showing his work on the project. As he proceeds, he will send in more photos and they will be added here.
Todd's completed project! Depth of the piece is shown in the second photo! Great job Todd!
Elaine Negrotto notes that she is done carving but deciding what to do as far as color. Can't wait to see it!
Bob Randall appears to have completed his project!