Mike Vecellio (left) showed two Giraffe pens he created using the process he described in the May newsletter. He also showed a box elder bowl.
Rick Kiehl (right) showed photos of his bowl from a board using a one inch piece of cherry. He finished it with a mineral oil and beeswax mix. He also created the cherry salad fork and spoon, applying the same finish.
David Wheat showed two shop tools using ideas from former Popular Woodworking editor, Chris Schwarz. First, an English layout square with half lap joints for the brace and a bridle joint joining the two legs. Details here. The second jig - a kerfmaker jig - was used in the making of a shelf for storing his wife's beads.
When not working 60 hours a week on an outage at the nuclear plants, Robert Love completed a few projects. First was his poplar and cherry cryptex box based on Ed Siegel's February turners meeting.
Robert also completed a black limba platter, ambrosia maple bowl/platter, and a FOGwood punky bowl. He used the Wood Hardener from Varathane as a stabilizer on the punky areas.
Dale Sherman showed three different jewelry boxes in the past, each with unique tops. One of cherry and oak; one of tooled leather with aniline dye; and one with stained glass.
Jim Wolnik hasn't left Florida but while he was working on a scrolled bowl from a board at the shared shop space at his Florida location.